Rishin Pandya
Rishin is a Managing Director in Deloitte's Risk & Financial Advisory practice. He has over 20 years of experience in Banking & Capital Markets and has held leadership roles in both consulting and industry. Rishin specializes in implementation of regulatory capital calculations (CCAR/Basel), capital adequacy and allocation, capital assurance across all three lines of defense with a focus on securitizations, counterparty and wholesale credit asset classes.
Rishin serves Deloitte’s largest US and international banking clients on capital and regulatory reporting initiatives. Internally, he is helping lead Deloitte’s Basel 3 Endgame service offering and has published POVs and led client roundtables to help the industry prepare for the broad, sweeping changes expected in the new capital regime.
23-Oct-2024Splash 9-10Endgame: BASEL & Other Major Regulatory Considerations