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Pratik Gupta

Pratik Gupta

Managing Director and Head of Global CLOs and US RMBS Strategy, Bank of America

Pratik Gupta is a Managing Director and head of CLO and RMBS Strategy. Gupta and his team are responsible for covering trends in mortgage credit, Housing and its securitized market in the US and publishing their views on relative-value across sub-sectors and focal risk points for investors, as well as highlighting issues around governing documents and ongoing court cases. Gupta is responsible for covering the CLO market, focusing on underlying CLO manager behavior, trends in the underlying leveraged loan asset class, relative value and performance trends. Regular research publications include Non-Agency Alert, Non-Agency MBS Weekly, CLO Alert, and CLO Weekly.

Gupta has been ranked #1 in the Institutional Investor Survey for 4 and 3 consecutive years in Non-Agency RMBS & CLOs since the 2020 & 2021 survey respectively. His team was ranked as the ‘Best US CLO Research’ in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 Creditflux survey. He has been awarded with the ‘Best Research’ award by the LSTA and Deal Catalyst in 2023 and 2024.

He was the co-head of RMBS/CLO research at Nomura until 2019. He has an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, and a Bachelor's and Master's in Electronics from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras.

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