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Ramki Muthukrishnan

Ramki Muthukrishnan
Managing Director
S&P Global Ratings

Market Foresight

Key Structured Finance themes in 5 year's time?

Key Structured Finance themes in 5 year's time?

Blend of Public and Private Markets and focus on Infrastructure and Energy Transition

The biggest challenge our industry currently faces?

The biggest challenge our industry currently faces?


The biggest current opportunity for our industry?

The biggest current opportunity for our industry?

LLM and AI

The market sentiment for 2025?

The market sentiment for 2025?


Why are you participating in ABS East?

Why are you participating in ABS East?

Learn and Network 

Get Personal

The best advice that you've ever received?

The best advice that you've ever received?

Keep connecting the dots

Go to vacation spot?

Go to vacation spot?

Costa Rica

All-time favourite movie?

All-time favourite movie?

Of Human Bondage, by William Somerset Maugham

If you could have dinner with any historical or celebrity figure, it would be?

If you could have dinner with any historical or celebrity figure, it would be?

Sir Paul McCartney

The hobby or activity that brings you the most joy?

The hobby or activity that brings you the most joy?

Playing tennis and cricket